Fasnet in Tarrenz, Tyrol

Fasnet in Tarrenz, Tyrol

Carnival at last! Fooling around with money, fathering children, dancing, carousing, getting into mischief,
ahh, it's so nice! It used to be much nicer, because everyday life was really hard and most of the fun things were forbidden all year round. But in 1797 the fun was over in Tyrol, and for "eternity". "Mummereyen und Bacchanalien und heidnische Tobung", all the bad things were blamed on the fools.

Only 57 years ago the valve was opened again. And they were already in the streets of Tarrenz: Neururer Franz in lace underpants, a couple of brewers from the Starkenberg brewery in cardboard knight's armor, witches and devils, all gruesomely accompanied by brass band music. The figures of Roller and Scheller were puzzled together from old court records, couples representing youth and age, beauty and coarseness, spring and winter, future and past.

The Neururer carved the furrowed, gloomy larvae for the rollers and the beautiful, smooth faces for the scooters, witches and devilish grimaces. The Tarrentes really turned up the heat in 1991, when they let it rip to the point where everyone was broke. In order not to ruin themselves, they decided to let their hair down only every four years. On January 9, 2025 it will be time again.